Tooth Brushing Mistake No.3

Nease Orthodontics

Tooth Brushing Mistake No. 3 – “Not Brushing Often Enough or Long Enough”

While you know that having your kids brush their teeth on a daily basis is essential, are they brushing as much as they should? One of the most common tooth brushing mistakes kids make is not doing it frequently enough and not spending enough time brushing each time.

How Often to Brush

Your kids should be brushing their teeth two or three times a day. While this should ideally happen after every meal, this isn’t always possible with school schedules. Have your kids brush at the following times at minimum:

  • In the morning after waking up or after eating breakfast
  • Before bedtime

You should also include another tooth brushing session either after they finish a snack after school or after eating dinner. Try to have them brush at the same times each day to get them used to this routine.

How Long to Brush

Tooth brushing isn’t a kid’s favorite thing to do, so don’t be surprised if yours try to rush through it or cut it short. However, it’s important for them to do a thorough job brushing in order to make sure they remove all traces of food from their teeth. This helps cut down on their risk of having plaque build up on their teeth, which can lead to tooth decay. Have your kids brush for a total of two minutes to help ensure that their teeth are fully clean. They should spend around 30 seconds brushing each section of their mouth, including:

  • Top left side
  • Top right side
  • Bottom left side
  • Bottom right side

Contact Us Today for an Appointment

Not every orthodontic office has two experts to examine and treat patients but Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics does. We make it convenient to drive to our facilities by having three locations in South Carolina:

• Spartanburg Orthodontics
• Gaffney Orthodontics
• Duncan Orthodontics

At our state-of-the-art orthodontic facility, patients have the opportunity to meet with two qualified orthodontists who understand how to determine the most appropriate braces for patients. Anyone with unsightly misaligned teeth can schedule an appointment with a telephone call or online form to talk to:

Dr. Phil Higginbotham
Dr. Eric Nease

Dr Nease Orthodontics 2455 E. Main Street Spartanburg, SC
29307 (864) 579-7700

Tooth Brushing Mistake No.3

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