Emergency Orthodontist

If you are receiving orthodontic treatment, or your child has been undergoing treatment, you can rest assured that emergencies related to orthodontics rarely happen. Most orthodontic emergencies can be taken care of at home. However, if something goes wrong and there is no simple fix, be sure to contact your orthodontist office to make a repair appointment as soon as possible. Don’t wait until a small problem becomes a big one. Here are a few pointers to help you deal with the incidents that can occur with orthodontic treatment

Taking Care of Orthodontic Issues at Home

Soreness in the teeth and mouth is a common problem for anyone with braces. When you first have an adjustment, the teeth are often tender for a few days following that change in tension on the wires in the mouth. Taking a pain reliever such as acetaminophen can help. Be sure to steer clear of anything that contains aspirin. Rinsing with warm, salty water can also be soothing to the mouth, as well as applying warm compresses to the side of the face or jaw.

There are also oral gels that can be applied to the gums to provide relief. Irritation from brackets or wires can be dealt with at home as well. Our orthodontists, Dr. Eric NeaseDr. Alex Thomas and Dr. Jay Patrick  can supply wax that is applied to any spots that are causing irritation, easing any issues until the insides of the cheek toughen up. It is even possible to trim any sharp wires. Simply use nail clippers or scissors that have been dipped in alcohol for sterilization. Take great care not to cut the mouth or actually cut any wire in half.

How to Fix Broken Braces

When it comes to broken braces, this is an issue for the orthodontist. Whether brackets actually become detached from the teeth, broken, or broken wires occur, it is important to schedule a repair appointment. However, while waiting, it is possible to try a few temporary measures at home. Loose brackets can be removed by snipping the wire with sterilized nail clippers. This resort is effective if the bracket is causing pain.

If any part of the braces have become broken and irritate the mouth, try using wax or cotton as a source of protection. Cutting and removing wires may be a final resort until it’s possible to get into the orthodontist’s office. Lost spacers are another issue that cannot be resolved at home. Simply contact the office to determine if it is necessary to come in for new spacers.

As a rule of thumb, always call our orthodontists if there is an issue involving extreme pain or a major malfunction with braces. The team at Nth Degree Orthodontics makes your dental health a top priority and wants your experience to be as positive as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in order to find the best solutions for any problems that arise during treatment. While emergencies are extremely rare in the world of orthodontics, your orthodontist’s team will gladly assist you.

Have any questions about common orthodontic problems?

Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at any of our locations in West Spartanburg, East Spartanburg, Gaffney, Duncan, or Union. We believe patient education is the foundation to a successful treatment! We will always take the time to explain your treatment to you, throughout every phase. 

If you haven’t received your complimentary exam yet, we encourage you to request yours today! Your first visit to our office is no-obligation, no-risk, and no-commitment. We want you to experience the Nth Degree in orthodontic care, without any financial risk.