So your child needs orthodontic treatment, but you’re not too familiar with the benefits of clear aligners for kids yet? Invisalign® entered the market in...
An estimated 4 million people are going through orthodontic treatment at any given time! Why is that? That’s because orthodontic treatment isn’t just an esthetic...
The relaxing days of summer are wrapping up, and it’s time to gear up for an exciting new school year! Your friends here at Nth...
Hey there, Nth Degree family! We have some fantastic news to share with you. We’re beyond thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of...
Choosing the right orthodontist for you and your family isn’t an easy decision – especially if you’re not familiar with orthodontics yet! How do you...
School’s out and summer’s in! If you’re considering braces or Invisalign® / Spark™ clear aligners for you or your child, and you’re wondering when is...
At Nth Degree Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to making your orthodontic journey smooth and simple. One of the ways we achieve this is through our convenient,...
If you’re on a clear aligner journey with Dr. Thomas, Dr. Nease, and the Nth Degree Ortho team, you’re in for an amazing, life-changing transformation!...
It’s a dream come true! The love of your life has just proposed! You’re floating on cloud 9 as you look through the pictures and...
An estimated four-million people in the United States are wearing braces! Over 75% of these people are children and teens, while the remaining 25% are...