An orthodontist uses a soft tissue laser for lots of different reasons. From shortening treatment time and creating healthier gum tissues, the laser can be used for various orthodontic problems.
Laser Treatment Types
Several types of lasers are at the disposal of a dentist, and each laser is used for a specific treatment to deliver a different benefit. For instance, low powered, mid-powered and high powered laser can be used for different tissue types to deliver different results.
A laser can use solid, liquid or gas substances to deliver treatment, but most use carbon dioxide, argon or other gases. Additionally, lasers can be grouped by their capacity to target soft or hard tissues. Each procedure and laser produces a different healing time; with the assistance of your dentist, you will be furnished with the recovery times of different laser procedures available.
Orthodontists generally use low-powered, soft tissue lasers to perform the procedures needed during braces or clear aligner therapy.
Ulcers/ Canker Sores
Lasers may be used to reduce the inflammation and pain that is caused by other illnesses and diseases like ulcers and canker sores. Soft tissue laser therapy may be applied to the affected area to relieve pain in the area of the canker sore. This procedure can be done when inflammation or swelling is affecting the healing process. The area will become desensitized, and the healing process will recover faster.
Frenum Removal
Frenums are naturally occurring muscle attachments that may affect spacing and alignment of teeth. These structures affect the gums, the surrounding areas and the positioning of the teeth. Frenums that are located between the gums and the teeth may extend between the teeth which will create some space between the teeth, causing poor teeth alignment. A frenectomy corrects the abnormal position and shape of the frenum and reduces recession in the affected areas. Soft tissue lasers may safely and quickly be used to perform frenectomies in order to correct these anomalies.
Swollen Tissue Removal (Gingivectomy)
Unfortunately, poor oral hygiene is common during orthodontic treatment, and can easily cause swollen gum tissues . This swelling is called gingival hypertrophy. A soft tissue laser can be used to reduce swollen gum tissues, making it easier to clean the teeth and keep them clear of plaque. This procedure is called a gingivectomy. The main benefit of a gingivectomy is improved oral hygiene. The teeth are much easier to clean after the excess gum tissue is removed.
Unerupted Teeth
Braces are used to move or straighten teeth. Before getting braces, each tooth has to be cleaned and free from any obstruction. There are cases where the surface of the tooth is hidden underneath the gums. Often times, the orthodontist uses a soft tissue laser to expose a tooth hidden under the gums and allow the brace to be placed sooner than it might normally be. This can shorten treatment time significantly in certain cases. This procedure is commonly used with impacted canines or molars that have not fully erupted.
Reshaping Procedures
After the completion of orthodontic treatment, it is not uncommon for the gums to appear uneven. This is due to the once crooked teeth now being straight. The gums don’t always follow properly. An orthodontist can use a soft tissue laser to even the gum contours, smooth the gum line, and improve the appearance of the smile.
Save Time and Money
Laser technology has helped improve orthodontic treatment, reducing treatment time and preventing surgical procedures. These simple laser procedures therefore save patients both time and money. Most procedures are preceded only by application of topical anesthetics, with no need for shots or injections. Bleeding is minimal, there is no swelling, and recovery time is nominal. Patients can immediately return to school or work after orthodontic laser procedures are complete.
Orthodontic laser treatment is easy and quick. Since your orthodontist can do most of these procedures, there is no need to visit another dental specialist for this service.
For orthodontic laser treatment in the Upstate, call us at (864) 579 7700 to book an appointment with Dr. Nease or contact us online. We are an experienced orthodontic office with the ability to provide the right treatments for you. Our office uses the state of the art soft tissue laser treatments to help save you time and money.
Contact us and let us help you create a beautiful smile
Spartanburg Office
2455 E. Main Street
Spartanburg, SC 29307
Phone: (864) 579-7700
Can Laser Treatment Make Orthodontics Faster?