Tooth brushing Mistake No.8

brush your teeth

“Not Following Up With a Rinse”

Brushing teeth is one of the most misunderstood practices in health today. Considered simple by many, there are actually a lot of ways that people brush that causes irritation and does not lead to maximum results. Whenever visiting an orthodontic office, it is important you know exactly what an orthodontist is going to be looking at when examining teeth. By brushing teeth incorrectly, an orthodontist visit will turn in to much more costing more time and money than expected. By eliminating tooth brushing mistakes, people can have a much more favorable experience at the orthodontist.


One of the most important aspects of tooth brushing is rinsing. For those with invisalign, this is especially important. In fact, one of our Braces FAQ is how to deal with the products concerning rinsing after brushing. When brushing teeth, the goal is essentially to brush away plaque, sugar, and other agents that cause tooth enamel to erode. However, one mistake that many people make is they simply stop there and let the tooth paste sit on their teeth. By using cold and clean water to rinse the mouth out after brushing, you send a wave of cleanliness through the mouth and wipe away all of the acidic tooth paste that was used to get rid of the plaque.

Contact Us Today for an Appointment

Not every orthodontic office has two experts to examine and treat patients but Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics does. We make it convenient to drive to our facilities by having three locations in South Carolina:

• Spartanburg Orthodontics
• Gaffney Orthodontics
• Duncan Orthodontics

At our state-of-the-art orthodontic facility, patients have the opportunity to meet with two qualified orthodontists who understand how to determine the most appropriate braces for patients. Anyone with unsightly misaligned teeth can schedule an appointment with a telephone call or online form to talk to:

Dr. Phil Higginbotham
Dr. Eric Nease

Dr Nease Orthodontics 2455 E. Main Street Spartanburg, SC
29307 (864) 579-7700

Tooth brushing Mistake No.8

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