Your toddler was a happy, smiling child- always laughing. Since hitting the pre-teen years, though, that smile has changed.
What happened to your child’s smile?
It could be that your child is embarrassed by their own smile. Crooked teeth, overbites and more will all be reasons for teens, who are so in tune to their appearance, to keep their beautiful smile hidden. As if they don’t feel bad enough, their peers are sure to point out any flaws. That is just the way of these hormonal, turbulent years. However- don’t lose hope.
Fixing the problem
Orthodontist today know how fix any of the problems associated with a broken smile. Of course, your teenager may not be happy to wear braces, but with time she will be so thankful. Watching her transform into a happy, confident adult with a beautiful smile will be worth it all. Her misaligned teeth and that overbite will be a thing of the past. Prom pictures will show a set of sparkling pearly whites instead of the tight-lipped grin.
Other options
Maybe you are grown and the thought of braces seems embarrassing due to your age. Invisalign braces are made to be virtually invisible. These will help you keep your happy smile as you work or go to school. Nobody but your orthodontist will know you are getting those teeth straightened to perfection.
Whether you wear traditional orthodontia or Invisalign, you can have the smile you’ve always wanted without being embarrassed. Make an appointment today and find out all of the options available to help you find your smile again. After all, your smile was right under your nose all of the time!
Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics Tel: (864)579-7700
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