Touch someone's life with a smile.

quotes about happiness

With just a smile, you can touch someone’s life and make their day better. The professionals at Nease and Higginbotham Ortodontics can help to make your smile something you’re really proud to showing off to those around you.

Orthodontic Services

Braces are available for patients of all ages to help straighten teeth and reduce problems associated with crowded teeth.  Invisalign can help patients correct crooked teeth in a more subtle way. The system is great for patients at a variety of ages, and is generally less irritating to cheeks and gums than standard metal brace solutions.

While both orthodontist treatments above can be used to treat similar issues like crooked teeth and overcrowding, both have different pros and cons. Braces are less expensive and are often used for younger children and teens, and they can be customized to feature certain colors, which can make wearing them more fun for younger patients. They are also generally accepted as more effective for more complicated issues.

Invisalign is a more subtle treatment, and is clear so it can’t be seen. It is typically required for a little less time, and it is often chosen by older patients since they are invisible and removable. Unlike braces, this clear system must be removed from the mouth before eating.

In addition to these treatments, additional services are available at Nease & Higginbotham, including dental implants and orthognathic surgery.

Whatever your orthodontic needs are as a patient, the knowledgeable staff at Nease & Higginbotham can help you can find the best solution available. Call the professionals at Nease and Higginbotham today to schedule an appointment. Their team of helpful employees can make your smile something you’re proud to display.

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