“Not Letting the Toothbrush Dry”
Maintaining your toothbrush is an essential part of a healthy smile. Since the bacteria that cause gum disease and dental health concerns are killed by exposure to the air, letting a brush dry completely before using it again prevents tooth brushing mistakes.
Caring for a Toothbrush
There are three things to consider when caring for a toothbrush:
- Food particles
- Bacteria
- Mold growth
After brushing the teeth, use fresh tap water and run the toothbrush under the water. Clean your Invisalign according to the instructions of an orthodontic office. Use a finger to separate the bristles so that excess food particles are removed. Set the brush aside so that it can dry completely. Do not use the brush again until after the bristles dry.
Mold growth and bacterial growth both require moisture. Removing the water reduces the risk of both problems and ensures that the brush is fresh for the next time it is used. Make sure that the brush is completely clean to limit bacterial growth in the mouth.
Why Let the Brush Dry
There are two reasons to let the brush dry between uses: It kills any bacteria causing gum disease and it prevents mold from growing on the brush. Do not use any brush if it has an odd or musty odor. Replace the brush because the odd smell suggests that the brush is exposed to bacteria or fungus. By replacing the brush, the problem associated with the brush is removed. Do not continue using the brush after it has developed any odd smells.
Drying a toothbrush ensures that it is healthy and useful. Since a wet tooth brush allows bacterial and mold growth, providing extra time between brushing allows it to dry easily will ensure that the teeth and gums are as healthy as possible.
Contact Us Today for an Appointment
Not every orthodontic office has two experts to examine and treat patients but Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics does. We make it convenient to drive to our facilities by having three locations in South Carolina:
• Spartanburg Orthodontics
• Gaffney Orthodontics
• Duncan Orthodontics
At our state-of-the-art orthodontic facility, patients have the opportunity to meet with two qualified orthodontists who understand how to determine the most appropriate braces for patients. Anyone with unsightly misaligned teeth can schedule an appointment with a telephone call or online form to talk to:
• Dr. Phil Higginbotham
• Dr. Eric Nease
Dr Nease Orthodontics 2455 E. Main Street Spartanburg, SC
29307 (864) 579-7700
Tooth brushing Mistake No.9
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