Orthodontic Fact #11 “In 1000 BC, the ancient Greeks fashioned a catgut or metal strips with goat or sheep intestines to correct teeth deformities. Be thankful that you are living in the 21st century.”
Everyone today is glad to live in modern times with top-of-the-line orthodontic care from experts. In ancient Greece, people had to create teeth straightening devices from metal strips combined with animal intestines. Anyone with misaligned teeth can now wear one of an assortment of customized metal or ceramic braces that are designed to correct serious malocclusions in approximately two years. For someone with mild misalignments, an orthodontist will recommend clear plastic Invisalign aligners that are worn for one year or less. Visiting a professional orthodontic facility for personalized care is essential to improve the appearance of the smile line in addition to correcting a poor bite that causes discomfort.
Orthodontic Devices Improve Dental Bites
For hundreds of years, people have understood the importance of having a proper bite to keep the mouth’s structure healthy. A bad dental bite can lead to difficulties chewing food, talking or caring for the teeth and gums. When teeth are in misalignment, the facial bones and jaw may grow incorrectly, leading to additional problems such as headaches and bruxism. Children, teenagers and adults can benefit from wearing orthodontia devices such as retainers and braces to improve their overall physical health. Straighter teeth can also improve facial appearance, leading to less embarrassment and higher self-esteem.
Schedule an Orthodontic Appointment Today
Not every orthodontic office has two experts to examine and treat patients but Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics does. We make it convenient to drive to our facilities by having three locations in South Carolina:
• Spartanburg Orthodontics
• Gaffney Orthodontics
• Duncan Orthodontics
At our state-of-the-art orthodontic facility, patients have the opportunity to meet with two qualified orthodontists who understand how to determine the most appropriate braces for patients. Anyone with unsightly misaligned teeth can schedule an appointment with a telephone call or online form to talk to:
• Dr. Phil Higginbotham
• Dr. Eric Nease
Dr Nease Orthodontics 2455 E. Main Street Spartanburg, SC
29307 (864) 579-7700
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